My wife and I got the worst news we could get the other day from her doctors. After running some test they have determined her cancer is back. It has moved from her breast to her liver. She will have to start chemo again. She will have to have a new CT scan to see if the cancer has spread anywhere else. The port she had before will have to be put back in so that the infusions can be done for the chemo.
The doctor didn't hold back and we are glad we didn't want her to. She said best case she had 3 to 4 years. She has multiple other health issues so maybe not that long. I know she had been getting sicker since about May. We had been telling her primary care doctor and that's when they ran the first tests that showed something was wrong.
My days are not as bright anymore. I don't have much joy. I just feel numb right now. Don't know how to respond. I just keep saying just one day at a time and all we have to do is today. I keep busy as I can. I do what I can to keep Sherry cheered up. Do the things that need to be done around the house. Go out and shop. I really don't feel like doing anything at all.
I don't like to think about how it would be without her. What an empty place that would be. I think how selfish am I to think about that. I have Angie and the grand kids to think about, and my sons. I don't get off the hook that easy. Stiff upper lip as the Brits say. Soldier on.
No one knows about tomorrow, we don't know what happens in the next minute, hour and so on. I will do the best I can and pray to God because it is all His will, to be done on earth as in Heaven. If Sherry does go before me I do know she will go to Heaven, she is a true believer and has been an Angel here on Earth if anyone ever has been one. Oh she has her humanly faults, sins as we all do don't get me wrong but there isn't a bad bone in her. She will be waiting for me and we will rejoice with all the others who have gone on to that mansion not made by hands, holy in the heavens.