Here we are in the time of Christmas. After a brutal election. The country is fractured. Why? Are we not a Christian Nation? I am troubled that we as world a leader have such division. I feel I hold God first, My country next, my right to own firearms and then my family and if you want to run over these you have to go thru me.
There is evil in this worlds and sin in men's hearts. We must protect the innocent and stand fast against evil. It is not the job of the government to do this for us as we as a people must stand in the breach.
My wife is dying and I hurt so bad. It is a hard thing to stand by day after day and watch as the disease takes her life. I am there for her but I suffer as she does. It is difficult to be a caregiver and bear the hurt as I watch her die. Family and friend shy away from what we are going thru.
I get relieve from going to the YMCA to exercise, cleaning and doing housework, working in the shop and anything that I can find to keep me occupied.
What does the New Year hold? I do not know. The Bible tells us what is to come on a global scale. I feel we are in the last days of this life But, how long will it go on. Fight he good fight. Protect the weak. Tell the truth. Stand for justice in all things you do.