I do not remember a time in my life I was as sad as I am at this point. The loss of my wife in February is still a vivid memory and I continue to grieve for her. The lonesomeness I feel is overpowering. Never do I remember crying so much. It comes in waves and takes me down.
I had met someone who I loved dearly and thought so much of. I was so deeply in love just to have it all evaporate before my eyes 2 weeks ago. It turns out I was only being used and cheated on. She held beliefs that I can not and would not condone but for the sake of love I was giving in to something just to get along. This caused me to wrestle with myself and many long sleepless nights. She claims to be a patriot but her actions say otherwise. I love her, I still do but I could not continue. I called an end to our relationship because I could not live this way anymore.