Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Trip to Chapel hill

It was a beautiful day for a drive.  The sun was shining and the air was warm.  Storm clouds were in the distance Northward but they held off and did not dampen our day.  Easter lilies are blooming and red buds are out.  Dogwoods are starting to show and the Bradford pears are all in white.  Patches of green signal the coming spring.  The Dr didn't find an infection in her initial tests but did some blood work for Sherry and suggested some follow ups.  There wasn't any wait time and we got in and out of the clinic in a very timely manner. Sherry and I talked and enjoyed the scenery on the trip down highway 54 back to Burlington, its about 30 miles.  I promised to take her to Denny's as a treat for having to go to the Dr's.  We enjoyed a wonderful afternoon breakfast and came on home where we were greeted by Angel at the door like we had been gone for a week.  The meal laid heavy on us and it was time for a nap.  This was a good afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Hello James,

    Seems like I know you.

    This is ol' Jesse Burke - 426TH Sig BTN.

    I've been looking for you for a while on here, and today is the day I succeeded.

    If you would send me a message at my email address, I'd like to give you my number.
